Sunday, May 5, 2013


A painting showing the ferocity of an Aztec warrior, known as the Jaguar. 

The Aztecs have gone down in history as one of the most ferocious and militant civilizations to ever have existed. Though their primitive weapons were no match for the Spaniards guns and horses, the Aztecs dominated local tribes and civilizations violently and efficiently.
A famous enemy of the Aztecs, Tlahuicole fighting viciously against the Jaguars and Eagle Knights.
When a boy turned 17 he could choose to join the Aztec military. He would start of in the lower ranks and eventually build yourself up to the rank of Eagle Knight or Aztec Jaguar by capturing a load of prisoners for the use of sacrifice.
A picture of an Aztec Eagle Knight.
Eventually, if they were not killed, the boy would become a man, and that man would join the ranks of the highest and most powerful of Mexican warriors. The Jaguars.
A projected version of a Jaguar as seen in Deadliest Warrior.

The Aztecs were different then the other civilizations of Mexico in the area of military technology. The Jaguars were fast and versatile. They were not weighed down by heavy shields or swords. The weapons of the Aztecs were brutally efficient, and served the warriors well in their flower wars(a quest for slaves)


Probably one of the most hard-core weapons in history, the maquahuitl was the primary form of arms wielded by the Aztecs.

The maquahuitl was a club made out of light wood with razor sharp obsidian spikes or blades stuck on the sides. The maquahuitl was easy to wield, light, and is said to have been so sharp and powerful that it could cut off a horses head in a single blow.


The atlatl was a stick used to propel spears a long distance with incredible accuracy.

The Jaguars used this spear throwing method to crush enemies from a long distance, usually farther than the enemy could reach.

The Jaguars and Eagles also used various spears, bows and arrows, and clubs, and a form of a mace called a cuauhololli.

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